What Makes PR or Strategic Writing Different Than Other Types of Writing? – Discussion Post 1| PR 06301 – Basic PR Writing

Public Relations and Digital MarketingWriting is the most important and sought-after skill for public relations professionals.  Other types of writing are different than PR or strategic writing because of tone, audience and objective.  PR writing strikes a balance between art and science.  Creative writing has more artistic freedom and is written to entertain.  Public Relations has creative license, but it’s aimed at persuading the reader.  Literature and other forms of creative writing can leave room for interpretation.  Strategic communicators must be clear and concise in their writing.  Messages are planned and carefully executed. 

Authors in academic writing, technical writing and scientific writing pride themselves in crafting complex messages.  At times, these styles of writing are long, wordy and difficult to read.  The use of jargon in these types of writing can present the author as a subject matter exert.  This is different than public relations writing where complex information is crystalized into easily understandable terms.

Of the various types of writing presented, public relations writing shares the most similarities with journalistic writing.  News media is the preferred mode of promoting products and services.  Strategic communicators take journalistic approaches since they pitch information to reporters to disseminate.  Journalistic writing is objective in tone and presents information to educate an audience.  This is different than public relations where information is presented on a client’s behalf to persuade publics and manage reputation.  PR writing anticipates objections and messages are crafted with persuasion and conviction.  Another key distinction between journalistic writing and PR writing is that reporters write for the readers of their respective media outlet.  Strategic communicators address various audiences including both internal and external publics.

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